Where inequality reins

Why shouldn’t we be allowed to walk around with dildos hanging out of our asses? Why cant I slap my ball sack on the sidewalk in front of a cop car? Michigan Tea Baggers Deserve Equality!

I have been actively serving our community by ball slapping sidewalks since before my doctor started school.

As a leader of the MICHIGAN TEA BAGGING CLUB, gay sports, and fundraising committees, I am passionate about making our town a better ball slapping place for our children – and for the future.


Michigan Tea has helped develop programs and workshops that have altered the course of education throughout the country. LITTERALLY, OUR KIDS ARE RETARDED NOW!


Michigan Tea’s experience at nothing, puts us in unique position to capitalize on our experience in education! AGAIN NOTHING!


Michigan Tea has the absolute fortitude to fight to tear our community apart, bringing the best of what we have to offer together!

Volunteer Today

We’re always looking for the community’s support to help push our fascist movement, further than we could ever imagine. Does that sound like you? Volunteer today and be a part of change.

Join our Cause

Join our Reich of like-minded everyday people who simply want a better world to live in. Where one way of thinking only matters, not every hand is held, and not every soul is equal. Patriots are not human! You’re invited to join our cause!