Michigan Tea
@VotesWhy2020 https://twitter.com/VotesWhy2020
@PolarBarrett https://twitter.com/PolarBarrett
@DeniseR95775407 https://twitter.com/DeniseR95775407
@de_wall_e https://twitter.com/de_wall_e
@KatCapps https://twitter.com/KatCapps
@SlickRockWeb https://twitter.com/SlickRockWeb
@erica1933 https://twitter.com/erica1933
@figqout https://twitter.com/figqout
@lisastark351 https://twitter.com/lisastark351
@EMellits https://twitter.com/EMellits
@CadreauJoe https://twitter.com/CadreauJoe
@Nicole8303 https://twitter.com/Nicole8303
@DevinStump1 https://twitter.com/DevinStump1
Steve Neavling @MCmuckraker https://twitter.com/MCmuckraker
Patrick McHugh @The_GD_Patman https://twitter.com/The_GD_Patman
Debra Lynn Culbertson @elmooo https://twitter.com/elmooo
Michelle Studer @mastu52 https://twitter.com/mastu52
@BT_Bennet https://twitter.com/BT_Bennet
Sarah May-Seward @smasings123 https://twitter.com/smasings123/photo
CRISTIAN ROBERTO BARTOLO-WOLVEN @NotOurBest https://twitter.com/notourbest
As one of the world’s most renowned hate groups,
Michigan Tea helps folks achieve the best versions of themselves through the dynamically flooding of social media with disinformation and fear which turns into hate.
As never being a premier at anything, Michigan Tea engages people of all ages, mainly weak insecure people who lack the ability to leave the internet because in a fake world, a fake person can be somebody, to “make your mark” on the world.
Michigan Tea has founded FEAR, a source sparked to kindle hate and ignite anger among the next generation of losers around Michigan. Michigan Tea is absolutely committed to motivating this next generation to be low achievers as we introduce new audiences every day to strive for poverty.